“Nurturing Our Spirit was created to help others on their spiritual, healing path to enlightenment. Whether you are just beginning your journey or are well versed in varying forms of energy work, your path has led you here. Together we will seek your best fitting modalities for current truths and design a plan to assist you in accomplishing your personal goals.”
Shelly has been blessed to meet and work with a wide variety of gifted and talented healers at just the right times throughout her journey. From a deep place of gratitude Shelly’s intention is to do her part in passing along these blessings. For much of her own path she has felt the need to keep her spiritual beliefs and practices hidden for fear of judgement or being misunderstood. Shelly feels the time is right to stop hiding and to feel safe in sharing and interacting with like-minded seekers. With each new healing modality she studies, a burning passion ignites within to share what she has learned. Nurturing Our Spirit is exactly that; a place for people to come together to nurture their spirits and take back to their corners of the world what they have gained.
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Tantra: What it is and what it isn’t
“Before I attempt to define Tantra for you let me share a little of my own background. Having been on my spiritual path for over 30 years I had heard the term Tantra many times. It was often associated with sex and yet I just knew there was more to understanding Tantra than learning some great sexual moves. I looked for Tantra courses many times over the years and was never lucky enough to stumble on one that felt approachable for a woman who grew up in the Midwest with a very sheltered view of sexuality.
Then several years ago a boyfriend gave me a copy of Kerry and Diane Riley’s book Tantric Secrets for Men. I was originally turned off by the title but chose to give it a try. What I learned opened my eyes to a more heart-centered approach to being. I already had a fair understanding of our energy and chakra systems so found the Tantra teachings to be just an expansion on that belief. I learned that by connecting my energy with another through breath, eye contact, communication, and focusing on the connection of our energy, I could feel a greater connection to them. This did not have to be limited to sexual relationships. As my understanding of Tantra grew, so too did the connection I was able to make with others along with connecting to my own inner being.
Expanding these practices to incorporate my sexual energy helped me to feel stronger, more confident, and feminine. My partner and I learned our connection started outside the bedroom. Once we strengthened our heart and energy connection we began taking what we had learned into the bedroom. Our lovemaking took on a whole new dimension that was much more heart-centered and fulfilling.
A few years later, a friend asked me for a recommendation to a sex therapist. I did not know anyone I would recommend so suggested while she search she might try reading Tantric Secrets for Men with her husband. She ordered the book, gave it to her husband, who read it within a week. They credit the book to not only strengthening their marriage but quite possibly saving it. My friend told me that the book opened her eyes to things they both needed to learn, not just her partner.
I share all of this because I think Tantra has gotten a reputation in the Western world with a lot of misperceptions. So what is Tantra?
It is believed that Tantra dates as far back as 3000 to 5000 years ago. It is a Sanskrit word that is often translated to mean to weave, to expand, or be free. The Riley’s explain in their book - “Traditional Tantra teaches the practices of meditation, concentration, devotion to the goddess and the movement of kundalini up the spine for spiritual enlightenment. Kundalini is our sexual and spiritual energy and is symbolized as a sleeping serpent.”. They also share - “It is said that Tantra is the oldest single source of knowledge concerning the energies of the mind, body, and spirit. It is the origin and essence of yoga, martial arts, t’ai chi, and the grand philosophies of Buddha, Confucius, and Lao-tzu.”
One article I found I thought worth sharing is from Yoga Journal.
Everything (And We Mean Everything) You Ever Wanted to Know About Tantra
I chose to travel to Australia to study Tantra with the Riley’s as I felt their approach was the most heart-centered approach I could find.
When we work together I will share simple practices to help you connect with your own breath, body, and energy system. Should you choose to continue your studies I can share exercises that will help you get in touch with your sexual energy and learn to move it throughout your body. Advanced practices can include daily devotion, chakra breathing, sensual massage, and more.
Our coaching sessions are done fully clothed and are educational. I will guide you through practices you take home and do on your own or with your partner. I strive to provide a safe, private, and comfortable environment; always respecting you and your comfort zone.”