
Reiki is a relaxing technique based on the idea that we have an unseen energy force flowing through us that may become blocked or sluggish.  It works on 4 levels of existence; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.  Benefits include: stress reduction, balanced energy and chakras, increased creativity, emotional release, increased awareness, and amplified energy.  

During the treatment you lay on the massage table fully clothed & relax while receiving healing energies through light, non-invasive touch.  Clients report feeling less stressed, sleeping better, & physical, emotional, &  spiritual healing.

Investment: $90 for 60 minutes

Package of 3 sessions: $250 | Package of 6 sessions: $450

guided meditation

We will discuss your goal for the session prior to your appointment.  I will then create a customized guided meditation for you following my intuition and divine guidance.  This can be used for insight into an issue you are dealing with, letting go of something that no longer serves you, reinforcing a new positive behavior, relaxation, better sleep, and/or overall well being.  Benefits include a greater understanding of your current situation, why this has come up in your life at this time, and new behaviors to empower you on your healing journey.

Investment: $90 for 60 minutes

Package of 3 sessions: $250 | Package of 6 sessions: $450

 Crystal Therapy

Crystals have been used for hundreds of years to assist with healing. Each crystal has a different vibration that works with the energy field of the body to promote a state of balance and well being. A similar set up to a reiki session, clients lay on a massage table fully clothed, relaxing as crystals are placed on and around the body. The work of the healer lies in clearing blocked energies while assisting healing energies to flow throughout the body and energy field.

Benefits include stress reduction, increased energy, stimulation of physical, emotional and spiritual healing, and restoration of grounded balance.

Investment: $90 for 60 minutes

Package of 3 sessions: $250 | Package of 6 sessions: $450



In our initial consultation we will discuss your current beliefs, your understanding of energy, breathing techniques, etc.  We will also talk about your goals and what you would like to gain through the coaching sessions.  I will then design a curriculum of practices to help you get in touch your yourself, your sexual energy, and with a partner if you choose.  Clients report feeling stronger, more confident, capable of accomplishing more in their lives, and a deeper connection to others in their lives.  Those that choose to learn exercises to share with a partner report a greater and more intimate connection with themselves and their partner.  They also report a greater sense of being loved, along with sexual satisfaction.  All exercises are designed to increase your love and connection to yourself, your sensuality, and to others.  Tantra sessions are generally a minimum of 90 minutes.

Investment: $120 for 90 minutes

Package of 3 sessions: $330 | Package of 6 sessions: $600


Our couples sessions will include everything explained in the individual sessions.  In our initial consultation we will discuss your goals and then I will incorporate exercises for you to practice at home individually as well as together.  Some of what you may choose to include are committing to a daily devotion, breath work, communication practices, exercises designed to relieve tension that may be due to sexual anxiety or trauma, practices to delay ejaculation and encourage whole body orgasm, sensual massage, and more.. All exercises are designed to help you be more connected to yourself, your own sexuality, as well as with your partner for a more loving, intimate, and connected relationship.  Couples session are a minimum of 90 minutes.

Investment: $150 for 90 minutes

Package of 3 sessions: $415 | Package of 6 sessions: $750



Workshops are designed to help empower individuals and couples along their healing and spiritual path in intimate group settings. Examples include Tantra workshops for women and couples, along with destination retreats. 

Be sure to check the events page for public offerings. More information coming soon!


Detail 1

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Detail 2

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Detail 3

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